Jaw Strengthening
Jaw Strengthening
For many years, the majority of patients visiting my clinic seeking contouring treatments have been female. In the last few years, however, there has been definite upturn in the number of male patients I see – around a 10-15% increase in the last year alone in those primarily seeking filler treatments. Whether this is driven by a greater awareness of such treatments in the press and social media is not entirely certain, however, awareness of the diverse uses of dermal fillers in general does seem to be increasing. For the male patients I see, the most commonly sought treatments are: lip fillers, followed by jawline and chin contouring, followed by mid-face filler.
Given the increased uptake in such treatments, it seems sensible to explore these treatments in a bit more depth. In this article, I will provide an anatomical background for treatments used to contour the male jawline, some background of the differences between the male and female jawlines to consider, and an outline of current treatments that are applicable to this area.